War posters Collection

Through partial coincidence and good fortune, two of the most significant collections in the world of posters from World War I and World War II are located within close physical proximity, in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The University of Minnesota Libraries owns six thousand items and the Minneapolis Public Library's collection consists of nearly two thousand posters. Both collections contain posters from government, commercial, and charitable organizations. These collections are multi-national in scope and cover veterans' benefits, war bonds and loans, military recruitment and morale, civil defense, industrial production, freedom and loyalty campaigns, international welfare organizations, prices and rationing, transportation, health and safety, labor organizations, films and theatre, food production, sports and leisure, recruiting of women in military and non-combatant organizations, special events, anti-war movements, and other topics.
Veröffentlicht durch
Technische Bereitstellung

UMedia Archive der University of Minnesota: Minneapolis (MN), US <http://umedia.lib.umn.edu/>




United States

Veröffentlicht am
Thomas Meyer
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